Two techniques from a car company to powerfully market destinations--pp. 55-56.

Why most tourism slogans are worthless--pp. 58-60.

Research found going back in time made people younger. Ways to help visitors with time travel--p. 54.

Avoiding Missing Persons photographs--p. 46.

A great brochure--p. 13. A great magalog--p. 36.

The most common mistake made with photographs--p. 42.

A Different Kind of Resource

Tourist Marketing for the Rest of Us is a different kind of resource with information you're not likely to find in the usual books. the Its pointers are supported by research and the best expert opinion. It's a guide to action that allows you to learn from others' mistakes.

In short, it's a must-read title for the learners and leaders that 21st century entrepreneurial destinations need.

Knowing Places

John L. Gann, Jr. (, President of Gann Associates, knows places. He has lived in seven states and visited others for consulting and speaking engagements. His Marketing UNterstate Highways manual offers ways to revive rural towns bypassed by the Interstates.

His community development Cooperative Extension work at Cornell University helped communities in New York State. John has written seven other how-to manuals on how communities can market themselves for economic growth.

His How to Evaluate and Improve Your Community's Marketing published by the International City/County Management Association has been called the most "thorough and understandable dissertation on how to plan and put together an effective marketing campaign for an economic development organization."

Print out and fax to(866) 61-HORAM. For U.S. Mail address click here.

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