A better way is best illustrated by two remarkable case studies. One represents the ultimate failure of the widely touted design remedy. The other achieved the greatest downtown redevelopment success ever despite nine daunting obstacles.

Not Found Elsewhere

Information you don’t get from other sources is presented in concise, time-saving “bite-size pieces” that get to the bottom line without a lot of words. The manual is written and formatted to make it exceptionally easy to use. Points are made with verbal and full-color visual examples.

The not-found-elsewhere ideas include:

What farmers markets tell us about how to revive downtown

How to save money by not doing what downtown advisors say

Why the conventional wisdom about Walmart is wrong

How to do downtown guides and electronic marketing better

A Cadillac" in Marketing

Called “a Cadillac in marketing expertise,” John L. Gann, Jr. (citykid@uwalumni.com), President of Gann Associates, consults, trains, and writes on marketing places. He has authored several manuals on the subject.

John has been published on business areas in The Wall Street Journal, CarlsonReport, Downtown Idea Exchange, Chicago Tribune. He has made conference presentations to retail trade associations and state municipal leagues.

It's Not the Buildings

Downtown revival is about business, not buildings. This manual will help you bring business into your downtown program...and into your downtown. And it will do what other materials rarely do. It will make you think.

Print out and fax to (866) 61-HORAM. For U.S. Mail address click here.

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