Here are some new things you'll know.
Selling the Unsellable It outsold all competitors, sold the same product for decades, and won worldwide fame, p. 9. Marketing results were strong decades after the product was dropped, p. 8. Top ad shops were rejected: why? p. 18. How to win sales by putting down your product, p. 12. Selling saving as spending, p. 22. Selling without discounts, p. 13. |
Marketing Older Cities
The best ad Madison Avenue legend David Ogilvy says he ever did, p. 29. A great way to sell soup, p.58. A related way to sell older cities, p. 40. What happened when five ad agencies were asked to advertise Detroit, p. 31. What urban neighborhoods offer that fancy new subdivisions cannot, p. 31. How city living saves money, p. 33, 39. |
Marketing for the Rest of Us
How your product can be one of a kind even of it's not, p. 48. A great marketing guideline from non-marketer Vilfredo Pareto, p.50 Forms of Marketing Malpractice, p. 44. Reasons to avoid full-page ads, p. 55. Avoid direct mail that never gets opened, p. 57. Just how effective in marketing are the new "social" Media? See p. 59. How outdoor advertising can improve your message in any medium, p. 60. Black and white beats color in advertising, p. 53. Is "branding" good marketing or just another fad? See p. 46. For more, click here. |