Your UNterstate Guide

The manual's author--economic development marketing consultant, trainer, and writer John L. Gann, Jr.--is President of Gann Associates.

Mr Gann did Cooperative Extension programs in community development in small communities in Upstate New York while with Cornell University. He has presented on marketing communities for the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs, Economic Development Association of North Dakota, and Wisconsin City-County Management Association.

He's been published on small town economic development by the S. Dakota Municipal League, Kansas League of Municipalities, South Carolina Association of Counties, and West Virginia Municipal League.

You've read his ideas on marketing UNterstate Highways in Economic Development Journal, Cities & Villages, Syracuse (NY) Post-Standard, or Illinois Municipal Review.

He's also author of How to Evaluate (and Improve) Your Community's Marketing published by the International City/ County Management Association.

More You Need to Know

* 50 ways driving an UNterstate is better than flying--p. 33.

* 45 ways to create a great marketing appeal for your highway--page 34.

* Out-of-town investor skips the Interstate, sees a small town business with a For Sale sign on a two-lane highway. What happened--page 9.

* 25 ways to get motorists to stop and leave money behind--page 57.

* Cost-conscious marketing media to get your message out--page 68.

So why let the Interstates grab all the sales, jobs, and tax revenues for bigger companies and bigger places?

Now for less than you'd pay for 20 minutes of John Gann's time you can start bringing them back by ordering Marketing UNterstate Highways.

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