John L. Gann, Jr., "New Growth for Bypassed Communities: Marketing Our UNterstate Highways," Illinois Municipal Review (Illinois Municipal League), March, 2002, p. 11.

With contrasting photos of Interstate and UNterstate scenes, John makes the case for marketing older highways and suggests five routes around Illinois.

John L. Gann, Jr., "Good 'Roadside' and Good Transportation: Reviving the UNterstates," SCA News (Society for Commercial Archeology), Winter, 2008, p. 2.

There are sightseeing and other benefits of UNterstate Highways. Gann suggests 5 roads where motorists may enjoy them.

John L. Gann, Jr., “Forgotten Highways: The Next Economic Development Opportunity?” Journal of Extension, Vol. 48, No. 6, December, 2010, Article 61AW4.

Extension agents can help market non-Interstate highways to offer job-creating visibility to rural communities that cannot succeed as industrial or tourism centers.

John L. Gann, Jr., "How Small Cities Can Use Marketing Booklets to Attract Industry," Cities & Villages, (Ohio Municipal League), April, 1987.

Pointers remedy nine mistakes relating to audience, message, and graphics cities small and large make in their marketing.

John L. Gann, Jr., "Smaller Cities: Kansas' Next Economic Development Winners?" Kansas Government Journal, (League of Kansas Municipalities), February, 2004.

Trends favor smaller cities. But lacking visibility, not all will benefit. There are four ways they can better market themselves.

John L. Gann, Jr., "Economic Development for the Rest of Us," Kansas Government Journal,, May, 2010, 144.

"It's a mistake to see highways only as transportation," says Gann. Business follows traffic, so highways can be potent economic development tools.

John L. Gann, Jr., "Get off the Interstates," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, June 2, 2013, page B1.

"Interstates are the fast food of motoring," John says. Travelers can enjoy "gourmet motoring" on the best UNterstate Highways.

Steve Stanek, "Forgotten Highways Can Give Boost to Small Towns,"Budget & Tax News, (The Heartland Institute), March, 201, p. 9.

"John Gann's extensive travels as a consultant convinced him that non-Interstate highways (Marketing UNterstate Highways) are often a better way to go."

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